Title: Nino's Butt Length: One Shot (896 words) Rating: R-21 Pairing: OT5, Ohmiya, Sakuraiba, Sakumoto Summary: Who can resist Nino's butt?
A/N: Hi all! Been a while since my last fic huh? Been long time since I wrote regularly and been even longer since my last smut. Oh wells... Hope you like this one! :P
Title: The Legend of Shabu Shabu Beta: jheili Length: One Shot (~1.8k words) Rating: G Pairing: General Arashi Friendship with a hint of Ohmiya Summary: A long time ago, there lived a dragon called Shabu Shabu...
A/N: For the particular person who finds the sound of the words "shabu shabu" fascinating.
Title: Bingo Taikai Length: Drabble (~240 words) Rating: G Pairing: Ohmiya Summary: The New Years Bingo Taikai is an Ohno family tradition.
A/N: It's been a while since I've written anything! So thanks to jheili and octavialao for suggestions and help, because I've all but forgotten how to write fanfics!
Title: Club Roppongi Length: One shot (3071 words) Rating: R-rated Pairing: Juntoshi, Ohba, Ohmiya, Yama, OT5 Beta: jheili Summary: Arashi joins Club Roppongi.
A/N: This fic is inspired by octavialao's drabble. Which was inspired by neko-kirin3104's drabble. Which was inspired by Arashi ni Shiyagare 2014.10.18 episode. Which I have NOT watched yet. #notenoughtime #
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Title: People are people. You are yourself. Length: One shot (~818 words) Rating: G Pairing: Yama Beta: jheili Summary: People are people. You are yourself.
Title: Ohmiya is back! Length: Drabble Rating: PG Pairing: Ohmiya Summary: Ohmiya never disappeared. They merely moved.
A/N: Woots! It's been a while since I last wrote Ohmiya! But with all that Ohmiya in the Zero-G PV making, how could I resist? Just a short one though, so don't expect too much. :P
Title: The five times Ohno ended up in bed Rating: NC-17 Length: One Shot, ~440 words Pairing: Ohba, Ohmiya, Juntoshi, Yama Summary: Ohno has a bad habit of sleeping on the sofa...
Title: Tired Pairing: Sakuraiba, Ohmiya Rating: PG Length: One shot, 574 words Summary: Set in the share house universe. What happens when Sho returns from work one day really tired out? Read on to find out
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